I assure you, this blog isn't abandoned; I actually come back here fairly frequently to double-check dates on writing projects and life events. It's been a crazy few years (As you might have guessed from part 1 of the post with the same name).
All I can say is nursing school absorbed a great deal of my time. Once my pre-req classes were done and nursing school started in full, I quit my job, dumped all extra-curricular activities and hankered down for a two-year program that only got harder and more stressful as the semesters went! I have significantly more silver in my hair now than I did before nursing school and I can tell you that I wear it as a badge of pride! I worked very hard for my degree and then passing my boards. I was hired right out of clinical and have been working as an RN for nearly six months now.
I'm continually surprised at how well I'm handling the responsibility, occasional "ickiness" and energetic requirements of this noble profession. Turns out I'm apparently very well-suited for being a nurse and that's been a great relief!
But y'all aren't here to get caught up on my real-world pursuits. What have I been doing in the artisic/writing realm?
1) That King George costume I'd been drooling over in the last post has been created. And despite my best efforts to NOT rush it, the fates conspired against me and I was working right up till the last minute making it (yes boys and girls, I got to see Hamilton in person and it was amazing!)
I immediately followed that project up with a rushed Viking Era garb project that I (ironically) haven't worn yet; but I can assure you that those two back-to-back projects have quelled my need for sewing for quite a while! (tee-hee)
2) As far as writing goes: that WIP I mentioned was indeed completed and run through two or three beta readers. I've been wanting to agent-scout it for a year or two, but haven't managed yet. One more beta reader got their hands on it and I haven't incorporated their edits/suggestions yet. I want to get out of post-NaNoWriMo season before giving it a 2020 go.
3) Two summers ago I had a weird dream that sparked an idea for a vampire story (I've been wanting to write a vampire story for a very long time, but felt there was nothing I could add to the genre). This story may not be terribly original, but it's been a delightful guilty pleasure that I started typing up this past summer. I'm about 75% done with it and enjoying it immensely; though it may never see the light of day.
4) "The Kai'us Planet" is next on the docket once that vampire tale achieves a satisfactory level of completion. I'm always noodling on it and making mental tweaks here and there so once I actually sit down and put fingertips to keys, it should go fairly quick (famous last words!)
5) And all those blog topics I hinted at so many years back?
They're still floating around in ye ol' noggin; and on a list on my desk somewhere. I may indeed kick out a series of them to share with you all at some point. It depends a great deal on my general ambition level. I may just start afresh with something else I haven't even thought of yet.
We'll see how it goes.
In the mean time, I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am indeed still alive and being creative. Thanks so much for stopping by and I'm hoping to pick this back up again and be lexically active again.